Prepare Your Students for the New ACT

| By Gale Staff | In 2024, roughly 1.4 million high school seniors took the ACT.1 As one of the top two college readiness exams in the United States, the ACT is essential for evaluating proficiency in core high school subjects to assess eligibility for college admissions and scholarships. After considering feedback from students, educators, … Read more

Keeping Pace in Your Career (and Life) with Gale Courses

| By Mary Kelly and Holly Hibner |

Personal and professional development is one of the least-served but most important aspects of anyone’s job. This is especially true in the world of libraries. Serving library patrons depends on library staff being up-to-date in a variety of subjects. Ask any librarian out there on the front lines of service and all will agree that keeping up to date in everything from technology to the latest best seller is essential!

Read moreKeeping Pace in Your Career (and Life) with Gale Courses

A Look at the New SAT

Posted January 25, 2016

By Rosemary Long

As the March 5 launch date for the updated SAT comes closer, now’s a good time to take a closer look at what the revamped test is all about. Detailed information abounds, so the goal of this post is to winnow it down to the essentials.

New Features

Perhaps bowing to the competition, the new SAT features content that is similar to the ACT. And it has also adopted two ACT features. Test takers don’t lose points for wrong answers—so there’s less temptation to leave an answer blank—and they are offered only four choices of response instead of five.

Read moreA Look at the New SAT

Another Take on Summer Reading and Gale Resources

By Tanisha Howard-Hall

As a Customer Success Manager, I’m always eager to see what types of programing and promotions public libraries have going on. Summer reading is no exception!

For Teens

Brentwood Public Library in Tennessee is offering ACT Boot Camps for teens this summer! The boot camp gives a jump start

Read moreAnother Take on Summer Reading and Gale Resources

High School Equivalency Is Changing: Here’s How To Be Ready

the backs of students' heads as they take a test

Posted on June 11, 2015

When the GED test was introduced in 1942, it provided a pathway for people to find employment by proving proficiency in basic skills and knowledge. Military personnel who had entered service without completing high school found it especially helpful to establish credentials for joining a civilian workforce. The landmark testing series has undergone major changes over the last 73 years and remains a gold standard for alternative credentialing.

Read moreHigh School Equivalency Is Changing: Here’s How To Be Ready

Updated AP Tests in the Testing and Education Reference Center (TERC)

To continually enhance alignment with current best practices in college-level learning and help students develop the knowledge and skills essential for college majors and subsequent careers, AP is redesigning several courses in each discipline.

Read moreUpdated AP Tests in the Testing and Education Reference Center (TERC)

Helping students find the right college…and the right path to get there

By Kim Martin
Chance is a hard-working (if sometimes distracted) high school junior.  Besides doing homework and working out with the team, he thinks a lot about College Prep Students unprepairedapplying to college – where to apply, what programs to look at, how to evaluate programs, and how to prepare for the upcoming college entrance exams.  The amount of information and entry points to finding information can be boggling and overwhelming.

Chance and other students in your community are looking for information that can help them evaluate career options, examine courses of study, and find financial aid.  You can provide them with easy-to-use electronic resources that give them instant access to rich information about every aspect of applying to college.

Support your community’s future college graduates now with resources that can help guide important, life-altering decisions and provide them and their families

Read moreHelping students find the right college…and the right path to get there