Simplify College Planning with Peterson’s Test and Career Prep

| By Gale Staff | In a recent study released by the ACT, nearly four out of ten 11th and 12th grade students said they have trouble finding the information they need to learn about colleges. According to the data, access to information is notably worse for students from lower-income families and students of color.1 … Read more

Seven Tips to Jump Start Your Small Business

| By Gale Staff | As part of National Small Business Week, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) takes the opportunity to highlight the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs, small business owners, and community members from all 50 states and U.S. territories. Every day, they’re working to grow small businesses, create 21st century jobs, drive innovation … Read more

Not Studying for an Exam is a Crime…

| By Traci Cothran |

Two University of Kentucky students were arrested last week and charged with third-degree burglary for allegedly breaking into a professor’s office in the dead of night to steal an exam. The pair told police they entered the office via ceiling air ducts, and their teacher caught them upon returning to the office from a food break around 2 am.

While this does conjure up some cool images from Mission: Impossible, let’s not forget that these students now not only face a failing test grade, but college disciplinary action as well as legal proceedings . . . not to mention having to explain their actions to their parents.  And I have to wonder, dear reader, wouldn’t it have been just as easy (and less perilous) to study for the final?

Read moreNot Studying for an Exam is a Crime…

Using Gale for College and High School Instruction

By Lori Warren Another plus for using Gale databases for library and research instruction is the integration of Google and Microsoft Tools. The STEM school on our campus uses the Google tools and our college students and faculty use the Microsoft tools.  As our high school students move into college classes, they transition naturally to … Read more

Helping students find the right college…and the right path to get there

By Kim Martin
Chance is a hard-working (if sometimes distracted) high school junior.  Besides doing homework and working out with the team, he thinks a lot about College Prep Students unprepairedapplying to college – where to apply, what programs to look at, how to evaluate programs, and how to prepare for the upcoming college entrance exams.  The amount of information and entry points to finding information can be boggling and overwhelming.

Chance and other students in your community are looking for information that can help them evaluate career options, examine courses of study, and find financial aid.  You can provide them with easy-to-use electronic resources that give them instant access to rich information about every aspect of applying to college.

Support your community’s future college graduates now with resources that can help guide important, life-altering decisions and provide them and their families

Read moreHelping students find the right college…and the right path to get there